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How to use Vue.js with jQuery Plugins

Vue.js is becoming top choice for apps and maybe there is a moment when you have to combine it with jQuery or other libraries. Learn how to use it with jQuery Plugins by reading this post.

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Countdown Timer using Vue.js

Learn how to create a Countdown timer component timer page using Vue.js

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Vue animated list - animate lists rendered with v-for

Use this Vue.js plugin to easy animate v-for rendered lists in your project, by the vuejs team

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Form Validation using Vue.js 2

Read about the most popular validation plugins and follow the steps to build a form with validation using the Vee-Validate plugin.

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Build an Image Slider with Vue.js

Read a tutorial on how to build an image slider with Vue.js step by step with detailed explanations using Javascript and HTML.

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Vue.js support for Onsen UI

Onsen UI released a preview version of their binding library for Vue.js which makes it possible to integrate the Onsen UI components in Vue.js apps.

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Vue Bulma UI Components

Repositories of Vue components made for

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Vue-infinite-loading: An infinite scroll plugin for Vue.js

This plugin is an infinite scroll plugin for Vue.js, it can help you create an infinite scroll list fast.

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Build an SPA with Pagination, Breadcrumb & Loading Indicator, using VueJS and Laravel

This is the 7th tutorial of the series: Building a Single Page Application from Scratch with Vue.js and Laravel - Pagination, Breadcrumb and Loading Indicator

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Watch Roman Kuba's talk in ViennaJS meetup

Watch Kuba talk at the viennajs meetup about vuejs

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onclick-outside: Trigger function component for Vue.js

A Trigger function component when you would like something to happen after you have clicked outside of a Vue.js Component.

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