Offline first SPA using Vue.js, WordPress REST API and Progressive Web Apps


A Single application project made using Vue.js, the WordPress REST API and Progressive Web Apps, by Bill Stavroulakis. WordPress is the most popular open source Content Management System (CMS) used in millions of websites. It is free to install, deploy, and upgrade. Thousands of plugins and templates power a flexible and simple interface, which reduces cost and deployment time.

WordPress can expose a REST API, this project uses Vue.js and Progressive Web App techniques to create an offline-first web client. Offline capability is a key characteristic of modern Progressive Web Applications. Offline first web applications provide the ability to design web applications for offline access by employing caching and updating mechanisms.

Visit the FullStackWeekly Website created as a part of the vue-wordpress-pwa project, to get an idea of the final result.

Lighthouse Score: Lighthouse Score


The code for the website can be found on the GitHub repository of the vue-wordpress-pwa. You can use it as a starter pack for your WordPress site as well. (Make sure that Node v7 is installed.)

This project was created and submitted to, by Bill Stavroulakis .