Rubik UI : A new Material Design Vue.js UI Component


Rubik UI is a new an open source UI component library following the Material Design specifications and visual design for the desktop and mobile terminals. It is compatible with Vue.js 2.0+

Installation and usage

npm install i-rubik --save


import Rubik from 'i-rubik'



export default {
  name: 'app',
  mounted () {
<div id="app">
<div class="z-depth-5">
<table class="bordered striped highlight centered">
                <td>  <r-input type="password" label="Password"></r-input></td>
                <td> <r-checkbox id="check0" :selected="selected" :val="'red'" label="Checkbox"></r-checkbox></td>
                <td><r-btn primary>Primary</r-btn>

Basic example to render a Table and some inputs using the Rubik library in Vue.js.

Find Rubik's repository on GitHub.

Related open source projects

Rubik UI : A new Material Design Vue.js UI Component written by Chinese front-end engineer