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How to build a Search Engine with Vue.js

Build a JavaScript search engine capable of comparing two different approaches to ranking documents given a query, using Vue.js

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Build a visual Vue.js workshop

Start building a Jayway Vue.js workshop, where you will learn about routing, communicating with an API using vue-resource, and manage state with vuex.

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Data flow in Vue and Vuex - Part 2

The sequel of a tutorial where you can learn how to create a chat with multiple clients, this time using Vuex with modules, mixins, events and local storage.

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Create a Single Page App With Go, Echo and Vue

A tutorial to help you build a very simple "todo" application, with Vue.js, SQLite and Echo. When finished you will be able to create tasks with a title, display the newly created tasks and delete them.

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Vue.js Tutorials

A series of small tutorials and examples to get to know Vue from creating a Vue Instance , to creating a Vue.js Subnet Calculator.

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Writing Vue 2.0 in TypeScript 2.0

Introductory tutorial on safety check and error detection, with TypeScript2.0 and Vue2.0, to report errors at compile time.

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Updates about The Majesty of Vue.js 2

While we were working on the update of the book, we found out that if we demonstrate how to build each example with both Vue 1 and 2 side by side, the output is overwhelming. Therefore, we had two options. To overwrite the examples using Vue 2 or to create a second book.

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Concepts of Vue.js: Create your first component

A quick guide getting started on components, with a small tutorial on dropdown component.

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Build a simple chat app with Laravel, Vue and pusher

How to build a simple chat application with Javascript library named Laravel Echo, Vue and Pusher messaging.

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Build search functionality with Laravel Scout and Vue.js

This tutorial will help you build a simple search functionality, using Vue and Laravel Scout, which makes search in apps a breeze.

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