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Build a visual Vue.js workshop

Start building a Jayway Vue.js workshop, where you will learn about routing, communicating with an API using vue-resource, and manage state with vuex.

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Vux: Mobile web Components for UI, Forms, Messages and more, made with Vue.js

A repository filled with many components for UI, Forms, Messages, Charts and more, made with Vue.js and WeUI.

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Data flow in Vue and Vuex - Part 2

The sequel of a tutorial where you can learn how to create a chat with multiple clients, this time using Vuex with modules, mixins, events and local storage.

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Build search functionality with Laravel Scout and Vue.js

This tutorial will help you build a simple search functionality, using Vue and Laravel Scout, which makes search in apps a breeze.

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Server Side Rendering in Vue 2.0

Read about the major new feature, Server Side Rendering, that has come with the official release of Vue 2.0.

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Build a simple chat app with Laravel, Vue and pusher

How to build a simple chat application with Javascript library named Laravel Echo, Vue and Pusher messaging.

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Updates about The Majesty of Vue.js 2

While we were working on the update of the book, we found out that if we demonstrate how to build each example with both Vue 1 and 2 side by side, the output is overwhelming. Therefore, we had two options. To overwrite the examples using Vue 2 or to create a second book.

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Vue 2.0 is Here!

Evan You and his team have announced the official release of Vue.js 2.0: Ghost in the Shell.

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Writing Vue 2.0 in TypeScript 2.0

Introductory tutorial on safety check and error detection, with TypeScript2.0 and Vue2.0, to report errors at compile time.

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A taste of modern Frontend: A Vue.js presentation

Presentation about Laravel and Vuejs, that took place at Melbourne Meetup at 27 Sept 2016

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Vue.js Paginator v2.0

Vue.js Paginator plugin has been updated to be compatible with Vue.js 2. You can now use it in your new projects.

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The Difference Engine is the new 2000 dollars per month sponsor of Vue.js!

The Difference Engine company is the latest supporter of Vue.js and Evan You, with 2000 dollars per month.

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