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An online voice recorder that checks and helps you improve your pronunciation

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Vue tip: Lazily Evaluated Computed Properties

Quick tip on how computed properties updates the DOM

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Access DOM Elements in Vue 3 and the Composition API

Find out how you can target DOM elements with template refs

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International Telephone Input with Vue

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Heavy form system for Vue 3

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The Aviator - Vue.js 3d Game

Checkout this awesome 3d Game Built with tres.js and Vue 3.

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Vue.js tooltip directive powered by tippy.js

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Vue-roller - Rolling Animation Vue 3 Component

Checkout this number & string rolling counter animation Vue 3 component

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Vue 3 component for adding confetti and other celebration micro interactions

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Full Supabase (Firebase Alternative) Tutorial

Full beginner tutorial to learn Supabase.

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Vue.js Forge Episode 4 Starts today!

Learn to build your own Kickstarter app with Vue.js, Web 3, and Blockchain at Vue.js Forge today

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