Vue.js Nation 2024: How to create 3D experiences using Vue with TresJS

This video is about creating 3D experiences using Vue with TresJS. img1

The speaker, Alvaro Saburido, who is a developer engineer at Storyblok, goes over what TresJS is and why it was created. TresJS is a custom render API that allows you to build 3D scenes in Vue. It was created to address the following issues:

  • Difficulty of maintaining wrappers for 3GS, a JavaScript library for rendering 3D scenes on the web, due to frequent updates.
  • Desire to create a lightweight solution for Vue users.
  • Poor developer experience (DX) for 3D development in Vue.

TresJS aims to improve the DX for 3D development in Vue by leveraging Vue components and concepts that Vue.js developers are already familiar with.

Find out more as you watch a recap from his talk from Vue.js Nation 2024.

Vue.js Nation 2024: How to create 3D experiences using Vue with TresJS