Create and share color palette with ColorGeek made with Vue.js


ColorGeek is a web application for creating and sharing color palettes, created with Vue.js 2, Vue-router for app routing, Vuex, Vue-cli, Firebase, and other libraries and tools such as Clipboard.js, Webpack, Babel, ESLint, and more.


  • Guests have to register for being able to create, share and like palettes
  • User can create private palettes, share best palettes with other users.
  • User can like palettes, and palettes with the biggest number of likes are available on the Popular page.
  • Palettes picked by admin are showing on the Picked page.
  • It's possible to edit and save private palettes.
  • User can make a copy of any public palette to user's palettes.
  • On click on a color cell selected color's value is copying to clipboard.
  • It's possible to choose the color mode: hex(default) or RGB.

ColorGeek - make & share your color palette.

More info on the about page. Source code of the application. You can download it and run it locally or visit the live demo here.

Created and submitted by Alex Efremov.