Nuxt 3.5

Nuxt 3.5 is now available, and it includes a number of new features and improvements. One of the biggest changes is the addition of Vue 3.3, which brings a number of new features and improvements to Nuxt. Other new features in Nuxt 3.5 include:

  • Rich JSON payload serialization
  • Interactive server components
  • Environment config
  • Fully typed pages
  • 'Bundler' module resolution
  • Separate server types
  • Deprecations To upgrade to Nuxt 3.5, run nuxi upgrade --force.

Here are some additional details about the new features:

  • Rich JSON payload serialization: This feature allows for more complex objects to be serialized in the payload passed from the Nuxt server to the client. This can improve performance and make it easier to work with complex data.
  • Interactive server components: This feature allows for server components to be interactive. This can be used to create more dynamic and engaging user experiences.
  • Environment config: This feature allows for per-environment overrides to be configured in nuxt.config. This can be used to customize the behavior of Nuxt for different environments, such as development and production.
  • Fully typed pages: This feature enables typed routing within Nuxt applications. This can help to improve the development experience and prevent errors.
  • 'Bundler' module resolution: This feature improves the type support for subpath exports in Nuxt applications. This can help to improve the development experience and prevent errors.
  • Separate server types: This feature improves the clarity of the types between the 'nitro' and 'vue' parts of a Nuxt application. This can help to improve the development experience and prevent errors.
  • Deprecations: Some features have been deprecated in Nuxt 3.5. These features will be removed in a future version of Nuxt.

I hope this summary is helpful. Read the article for more details or Github changelog to get a full list of the changes.