V-emoji-picker - Emoji Picker Vue.js Plugin

v-emoji-picker is lightweight and fully customizable Vue.js package for adding an emoji picker to your #vuejs project using emojis natives (unicode). emoji picker image

Getting Started


yarn add v-emoji-picker


  <div id="app">
    <VEmojiPicker @select="selectEmoji" />

import { VEmojiPicker } from 'v-emoji-picker';

export default {
  name: 'Demo',
  components: {
  data: () => ({}),
  methods: {
    selectEmoji(emoji) {

or Global

import Vue from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";

import VEmojiPicker from 'v-emoji-picker';

Vue.config.productionTip = false;

new Vue({
  render: h => h(App)


  @Prop({ default: () => [] }) customEmojis!: IEmoji[];
  @Prop({ default: () => [] }) customCategories!: ICategory[];
  @Prop({ default: 15 }) limitFrequently!: number;
  @Prop({ default: 5 }) emojisByRow!: number;
  @Prop({ default: false }) continuousList!: boolean;
  @Prop({ default: 32 }) emojiSize!: number;
  @Prop({ default: true }) emojiWithBorder!: boolean;
  @Prop({ default: true }) showSearch!: boolean;
  @Prop({ default: true }) showCategories!: boolean;
  @Prop({ default: false }) dark!: boolean;
  @Prop({ default: "Peoples" }) initialCategory!: string;
  @Prop({ default: () => [] as ICategory[] }) exceptCategories!: ICategory[];
  @Prop({ default: () => [] as Emoji[] }) exceptEmojis!: IEmoji[];
  @Prop({}) i18n!: Object;


  select: 'Emit event on Selected Emoji',
  changeCategory: 'Emit event on Change Category'

Using custom Emojis

Array of items with Interface IEmoji

interface IEmoji {
  data: string;
  category: string;
  aliases: string[];

set in Prop customEmojis

Using custom Categories

Array of items with Interface ICategory

interface ICategory {
  name: string;
  icon: string;

set in Prop customCategories


Set in Prop i18n a object with structure of you custom translation:

  <VEmojiPicker :i18n="i18n" />

const i18n = {
  search: 'Pesquisar...',
  categories: {
    Activity: "Atividades",
    Flags: "Bandeiras",
    Foods: "Comida",
    Frequently: "Frequentes",
    Objects: "Objetos",
    Nature: "Natureza",
    Peoples: "Pessoas",
    Symbols: "Símbolos",
    Places: "Locais"

or import from locale/lang/${youLang}

Obs: Default language is en-UK

Structure Emoji

size image


Structure emoji img