Vue-click-away: Vue 3 Click away directive

Building a modal or a dropdown with a click away feature?

Vue-click-away is a Vue 3.0 Compatible Click Away Directive to detect if a click event happened outside of an element.

Demo is available using VitePress and is included in this repository. See Demo Section on how to use and the reason why it's not live yet.

Getting Started

Requires Vue.js 3.x


npm i -s vue3-click-away

yarn add vue3-click-away


By default the module exports a plugin, but you can also use this as a mixin which is documented below or as a directive.

import { createApp } from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
import VueClickAway from "vue3-click-away";

const app = createApp(App);

app.use(VueClickAway) // Makes 'v-click-away' directive usable in every component

With Options API

  <div v-click-away="onClickAway">

export default {
  methods: {
    onClickAway(event) {

or with Vue Composition API & Typescript

  <div v-click-away="onClickAway">

export default {
  setup() {
    const onClickAway = (event) => {

    return { onClickAway }


  <div v-click-away="onClickAway">

`import { directive } from "vue3-click-away";
export default {
  directives: {
    ClickAway: directive
  methods: {
    onClickAway(event) {


  <div v-click-away="onClickAway">

`import { mixin as VueClickAway } from "vue3-click-away";
export default {
  mixins: [VueClickAway],
  methods: {
    onClickAway(event) {


Currently VitePress is having an issue building for production since Directives require SSR implementation and there is no way to override this or skip it (VuePress has ClientOnly component, VitePress doesn't, Yet).

I've opened an issue and pending to see if there is a way to go around it, Click Here to view the issue reported. For the time being, to test this out clone the repository and run the following inside the /docs folder

npx vitepress