VueFire Vue.js binding for Firebase.

Firebase and Vue.js

Firebase is a mobile platform that helps you quickly develop high-quality apps


  1. If included as global <script>: will install automatically if global Vue is present.

    <!-- Vue -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <!-- Firebase -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <!-- VueFire -->
    <script src=""></script>
  2. In module environments, e.g CommonJS:

    npm install vue firebase vuefire --save
    var Vue = require('vue')
    var VueFire = require('vuefire')
    var Firebase = require('firebase')
    // explicit installation required in module environments


var firebaseApp = firebase.initializeApp({ ... })
var db = firebaseApp.database()

var vm = new Vue({
  el: '#demo',
  firebase: {
    // simple syntax, bind as an array by default
    anArray: db.ref('url/to/my/collection'),
    // can also bind to a query
    // anArray: db.ref('url/to/my/collection').limitToLast(25)
    // full syntax
    anObject: {
      source: db.ref('url/to/my/object'),
      // optionally bind as an object
      asObject: true,
      // optionally provide the cancelCallback
      cancelCallback: function () {}
<div id="demo">
  <pre>{{ anObject | json }}</pre>
    <li v-for="item in anArray">{{ item.text }}</li>

The above will bind the Vue instance's anObject and anArray to the respective Firebase data sources. In addition, the instance also gets the $firebaseRefs property, which holds the refs for each binding:

// add an item to the array
  text: 'hello'

Alternatively, you can also manually bind to a Firebase ref with the $bindAsObject or $bindAsArray instance methods:

vm.$bindAsObject('user', myFirebaseRef.child('user'))
vm.$bindAsArray('items', myFirebaseRef.child('items').limitToLast(25))

Data Normalization

Array Bindings

Each record in the bound array will contain a .key property which specifies the key where the record is stored. So if you have data at /items/-Jtjl482BaXBCI7brMT8/, the record for that data will have a .key of "-Jtjl482BaXBCI7brMT8".

If an individual record's value in the database is a primitive (boolean, string, or number), the value will be stored in the .value property. If the individual record's value is an object, each of the object's properties will be stored as properties of the bound record. As an example, let's assume the /items/ node you bind to contains the following data:

  "items": {
    "-Jtjl482BaXBCI7brMT8": 100,
    "-Jtjl6tmqjNeAnQvyD4l": {
      "first": "fred",
      "last": "Flintstone"
    "-JtjlAXoQ3VAoNiJcka9": "foo"

The resulting bound array stored in vm.items will be:

    ".key": "-Jtjl482BaXBCI7brMT8",
    ".value": 100
    ".key": "-Jtjl6tmqjNeAnQvyD4l",
    "first": "Fred",
    "last": "Flintstone"
    ".key": "-JtjlAXoQ3VAoNiJcka9",
    ".value": "foo"

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