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How to Package and Distribute a Vue.js 3 Plugin on NPM

Read more on how you can share your Vue.js plugin to the world!

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Vue-i18n: Implement Internationalization in Vue 3

Check out this cool plugin to add internationalization to your vuejs app!

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The Path to Master Vue.js

Looking for a path to becoming a Jedi-level Vue Master?

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Using transition components without external libraries

Use a transition component without having to use an entire CSS library by importing only the components you really need.

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Vue.js performance directives: v-once

Read more on this awesome directive you can use to improve performance in your vuejs apps.

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Implement face recoginiton in your Vue.js app with FaceIO.

Check out how you can add a face recognition authentication feature to your vue js app!

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Creating A Rotating Logo Component In A Simple Way

How to create a Vue component that rotates an image on hover in a hustle free way

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How to Create Dynamic CSS Using Vue Reactive Variables

Read to find out how you can apply reactive css values into you style tags.

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Tutorial: Download file with Vue js and Axios

Check out how you can build a cool file download feature using axios and vue js!

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VuePress: What is it and Why it is a great tool to use

VuePress is a Vue-powered static site generator and the latest project from the creator of Vue Evan You.

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