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Drag and Resize elements with VueDraggableResizable

A Vue related component to create resizable and draggable elements, without any external dependencies.

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Load image galleries using the v img plugin

Create pretty image galleries in one group or multiple, by using the v-img directive in the img tag

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Vue.js plugin that allows you to bundle CSS with your components

vue-css is a Vue.js plugin for storing relevant CSS with your components

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Vue.js Zip Code Finder

A nice example of Vue's capabilities, through an app that finds US cities through the given zip codes

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Video Background component for Vue.js

Add a video as the background of your page with the videobg component for Vue.js projects.

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DejaVue: Visualization and debugging tool built for Vue.js

Application visualization and time travel for Vue.js

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RequireJS plugin to parse .vue components

A RequireJS plugin to async and dynamic load and parse .vue components

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Webpack vs Gulp A Comparison

Webpack is a module bundler and gulp is a programmable task runner, and in this article you can read about their aspects, and developers moving away from gulp and grunt and using webpack

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The first official Vue.js Conference VueConf, is getting close!

Learn all the details about the first Official Vue.js Conference in the world, in Wrocław Poland & and why you should be there

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Reset input directive for Vue.js

Use a custom made directive for Vue.js, to add a delete button to allow users to clear an input

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Circle slider component for Vue.js

Custom slider component for Vue.js projects, with svg based view & other options, to allow users to control a circle slider.

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Plan events with the fullCalendar component based on Vue.js

Inspired by, with the Vue calendar component, vue-fullCalendar you can schedule events, requires no jquery

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