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Pros and Cons of the Vue.js framework

This article explains the subtle details of the Vue.js framework, the reason it is preferred among the developers and it's pros and cons.

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Json Schema Editor, built with Vue.js and Firebase

JSON Schema Editor is an open source project, which is an intuitive editor for JSON schema. It provides a tree view to present the structure of schema, and a property inspector to edit the properties of schema element.

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Using the Vue Cookie Law plugin to let users know about website cookies

Making use of the Vue Cookie Law plugin, which displays a message to visitors, saying that this website uses cookies

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A minimal concept of a blog made with Vue.js

A minimal blog with different pages and animations, all powered by Vue.js.

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Playing with the Vue Tabs component by Spatie

Vue Tabs provides an easy way to display tabs with Vue.js

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Vue.js Dashboard Template

A dashboard created with Vue, Tachyons, and Chart.js on Codepen

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Ivia.js A reactivity MVVM framework for jQuery with Vue like interface.

Ivia.js is a new, reactive and model-driven MVVM framework for jQuery with Vue-like interface.

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Vue.js component for making cool backgrounds with flying particles

Using the vue-particles plugin to create pretty backgrounds

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Font Awesome component for Vue.js, using inline SVG.

Component for Vue.js, using inline SVG, to add Font Awesome to your projects.

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Using a Mobile friendly Vue.js Modal

The Vue.js modal plugin is highly customizable, mobile friendly, and offers features like dragging and resizing.

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Deploing a Vue.js App with Firebase Hosting

A short and sweet tutorial for deploying your Vue.js app along with Firebase.

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The AdminLTE panel converted in Vue components

Getting to know the Vue-AdminLTE admin panel, now using Vue components, converted elements from the original project.

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