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Testing Vue Components

How to unit test Vue components

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Intro to Vue.js: Five part series on Vue.js

Read Sarah Drasner's Five part series on Vue.js

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Handle validation using Laravel in back end with Vue.js

A simple way to handle Laravel back end validation in Vue 2.

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Vue.js avatar component vue-avatar

This Vue component can display an avatar image and if none is provided, fallback to the user initials. This component is inspired from react-user-avatar.

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Vue.js Syntax Highlighting with highlight.js

Vue.js syntax highlighting made easy, using highlight.js.

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Compare images with theTwentyTwenty component for Vue.js

A small component to quickly let users see the differences between 2 images.

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Share Vuex mutations between tabs and windows

Share certain Vuex mutations across multiple windows

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Vue progressive image loading plugin

Create a progressive loading effect for your images using this Vue component

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Upload files via Droply Dropzone wrapper for Vue.js 2

Droply is a tiny Dropzone wrapper for VueJS 2.

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5 Vue.js Tutorials

Here are some resources to learn Vue 2 curated by Rich Klein

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Keen UI v1.0 for Vue 2 released

Keen UI is a lightweight collection of essential UI components inspired by Material Design, now re-written from scratch to support Vue 2.

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Markdown previewer made with Vue.js

Simple markdown previewer created in a few lines of code with the power of Vue.js

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