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 Getting started with Vuex

If you are thinking about how to manage state, Vue provides a simple way to work with local state inside a component, Vuex

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Turn any input into an address autocomplete with Vue Places

Vue Places provides a fast and easy way to use an address search autocomplete JavaScript library on your website, utilizing the Algolia places library.

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A new Vue.js webpack template to setup a Framework7 project with Cordova

This is a project template for vue-cli which will help you set up a new project with Framework7, Cordova, and Vue.js to build mobile apps fast.

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Vue Auth Plugin: Jwt Auth library for Vue.js.

Vue.js token based authentication plugin. Supports simple token based and JSON Web Tokens (JWT) authentication.

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Vue Datasource is a Vue.js server side component to create tables

Use this Vue component to create dynamic tables compatible with Vue 2.x and Laravel

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Browse Reddit with a Terminal Emulator, Built with Vue.js

Browse Reddit posts and comments by using a web based terminal emulator made with Vue.js

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Live Webinar for Vue.js on Friday

Author and trainer John Farrar is giving a free introductory course to Vue.js on Friday, January 20 at 1 pm eastern standard time. A recording will be available as well to all those who register.

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Drag and Drop elements with Vue Draggable

A Vue component for Vue.js 2.0 or a directive for Vue.js 1.0 project, allowing drag and drop.

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Unit testing with SystemJS, Mocha and Vue.js

A quick-start guide to testing with jspm (systemjs), mocha and vue.js

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Vue password: realistic password strength estimator

Password strength meter based on zxcvbn in Vue.js

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Create animations that display numerical data with Vue Countup

Quickly create animations that display numerical data in a more interesting way using this component wrapper for countUp.js

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Using SASS/SCSS with Vue.js 2

This arcticle is a brief description on how to include sass/scss styling files using webpack in a Vue 2 project.

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