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Flickr Image Search with Vue.js

Image Search with Vue.js senting jsonp request to flickr public feed api

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Clear: Vue.js bootstrap admin template

Clear is a Bootstrap responsive HTML & Vue.js admin template with dark & light themes

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Movie Database App made with Vue.js

A beautiful Movie Database Application made entirely with Vue where you can search and find all the latest and popular movies.

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D3.js with Vue.js live examples

A list of Vue.js / D3.js examples to show the advantages of using D3.js along with Vue.js

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Vue.js Tutorial: Creating a Simple Budgeting App

A Complete Vue.js Application Tutorial Series covering the development of a fully functioning Vue.js application.

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Vue Trend: Draw cool spark lines

Draw pretty lines based on data with the Vue Trend component

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Quasar Admin Template Example

An impressive Admin dashboard created with the Quasar and Vuejs frameworks

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Choose colors with the Vue.js Color Wheel

A circular color choice and navigation with Vue.js

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Test your Javascript knowledge with Trivia.js made with Vue.js

trivia.js is a fun way to test your Javascript knowledge and become a better programmer.

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Vue.js directive that can scroll to elements on the page.

Adds a directive that listens for click events and scrolls to elements.

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VueLongpress: button component that requires you to keep pressing to confirm a given action.

A component that will generate a button that requires you to keep pressing for a given time to execute a given action.

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Toast plugin for Vue.js

vue-toasted is a material toast plugin with variety of options and styles. It is touch compatible and responsive.

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