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Vue.js avatar component vue-avatar

This Vue component can display an avatar image and if none is provided, fallback to the user initials. This component is inspired from react-user-avatar.

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Use the Flatpickr component for Vue.js

Vue Flatpickr allows integration of the lightweight javascript date time picker with no additional dependencies

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Vue Datasource is a Vue.js server side component to create tables

Use this Vue component to create dynamic tables compatible with Vue 2.x and Laravel

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Create animations that display numerical data with Vue Countup

Quickly create animations that display numerical data in a more interesting way using this component wrapper for countUp.js

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Vue progressive image loading plugin

Create a progressive loading effect for your images using this Vue component

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Vodal: Vue.js modals with animations

Create Modals with this Vue component with all kinds of animations, based on a React modal.

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Turn any input into an address autocomplete with Vue Places

Vue Places provides a fast and easy way to use an address search autocomplete JavaScript library on your website, utilizing the Algolia places library.

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Vue Echarts 3

Use ECharts.js in your Vue 2 project using the vue-charts component wrap for v3

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Star Rating Component for Vue 2

A simple plugin and easy to customize, star rating Vue component

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Vue password: realistic password strength estimator

Password strength meter based on zxcvbn in Vue.js

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