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Router for Vue.js based on components, declare routes using different components

A component-based declarative router for vue. Inspired by react router 4

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Google Autocomplete Vue Component

Google Autocomplete component is not more than a Vue.js wrapper around the google official API.

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VueLongpress: button component that requires you to keep pressing to confirm a given action.

A component that will generate a button that requires you to keep pressing for a given time to execute a given action.

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Vue.js select component without the overhead of jQuery.

Get select boxes with vue-select which gives you a select box with support for searching, tagging, remote data sets, and other highly options.

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Vue.js masked input component

New masked input component for Vue.js, used to enter data in a certain format dates,phone numbers, etc

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Vue.js Swipe Component.

A Vue 2.0 component to implement accurate touch sliders

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Choose colors with the Vue.js Color Wheel

A circular color choice and navigation with Vue.js

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Vue Checkbox Switch

A simple Vue component for checkboxes styled like switches based on Bulma

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Vue.js directive that can scroll to elements on the page.

Adds a directive that listens for click events and scrolls to elements.

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Toast plugin for Vue.js

vue-toasted is a material toast plugin with variety of options and styles. It is touch compatible and responsive.

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