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Vue Stash Share reactive data between components.

Easily share reactive data between your Vue components.

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Vue Bootstrap Table

vue-bootstrap-table is a sortable and searchable table, with Bootstrap styling, for Vue.js.

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Vue Stroll

Vue Stroll is a collection of CSS list scroll effects for Vue.js with awesome CSS list effects for Vue.js

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VuePack: Vue.js starter with Vue 2 Vuex Vue router and Webpack 2.

VuePack a modern Vue.js starter which uses Vue 2, Vuex, Vue-router and Webpack 2.

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Vue.js Paginator

VueJs Paginator is a simple but powerful plugin since it gives you access on how to render the data, instead of using a predefined table.

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Keen UI

Keen UI is a collection of essential UI components written with Vue and inspired by Material Design.

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Using Karma/Jasmine for Testing in Vue.js Applications

An example VueJS application using Karma for Testing and Browserify

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Vue Form Generator

A schema-based form generator component for Vue.js. Using this component creating forms will be a breeze.

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