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Vue Konva: A JavaScript library for drawing complex canvas graphics using Vue

Using Vue's components, events, and Konva library for desktop and mobile applications, you can create complex graphics and animations.

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Vueniverse: Full stack user based PWA Vue template

Vueniverse is a full-stack JavaScript starter project.

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Speech Recognition PWA: Vue Speech

A Vue Progressive Web App which performs synchronous speech recognition with Google Cloud Speech API

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Semantic Vue: Vue integration for Semantic UI

This project is the Vue integration for Semantic UI. It is highly inspired on Semantic UI React: if you have used it already, you will find Semantic UI Vue's API to be almost the same.

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Eleventh Card Trick: Cards app built with Vue.js

A card trick game, which can read your mind, with the power of Vue.js

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Full stack SPA with Vue.js and Flask

Vue.js full-stack single page application served over Flask microframework & a tutorial on how it was built

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A mini social network SPA powered by Vue.js

A reactive mini-social-network created with Vue.js, Node & Express, also available in React, Golang, and Ruby On Rails versions.

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Space Snake: Desktop game built with Electron and Vue.js

A game like the classic snake for desktop, powered by Vue and Electron

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Vue.js Wordpress Theme Starter

A WordPress theme with all the inner workings replaced with Vue

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Vue.js Storefront: PWA for eCommerce

An open source progressive web app storefront, designed for eCommerce with off-line capabilities, powered by Vue.js, Node.js and Express

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