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Create and share color palette with ColorGeek made with Vue.js

Make your color palette with ColorGeek and share it with the community. A project built with Vue.js and Firebase

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Wine label creator app with Vue.js and dynamic SVG

Wine label creator app made with Vue.js and dynamic SVG

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Tidy CMS made with Vue.js

Tidy CMS is a free website builder built with Vue.js

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Playcode fast Javascript playground created using Vue.js, Vuex, vue-router

Playcode is one fast tool to create quickly frontend experiments and web apps using HTML, Javascript, and CSS.

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Browse Reddit with a Terminal Emulator, Built with Vue.js

Browse Reddit posts and comments by using a web based terminal emulator made with Vue.js

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Playlister: Vue.js web app for creating and sharing playlists.

Instantly create and share playlists with Playlister made with Vue components

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Salon Pricing: Beauty salon pricing app, made with Laravel and Vue.js

Beauty Salon Pricing is a beauty salon (product and service) pricing list, built with Laravel 5.3 and Vue 2.

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Vue.js Cinema App

Application that has movie sessions for the next five days, all made with Vue.js

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UI elements into Vue 2.0 projects by

Element, a Vue 2.0 based component library for developers

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Vue-APlayer Vue 2.x component of APlayer, create music players with controls

Vue 2.x component to create and configurate easy, music players with controls.

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