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Vue Native: Build Beautiful Native Apps Using Vue.js

Vue Native is a framework to build cross platform native mobile apps using JavaScript

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Vue Design System Docs: An Open Source Tool For Building Ui Design Systems With Vue.js

Vue Design System is a set of organized tools, patterns, and practices that work as the foundation for Vue.js application development.

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Project Helios: Vaporwave music website powered by Vue.js

Site with a specific music genre, Vaporwave is a genre of music that began to explode around the start of 2010s, with the power of Vue.js

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Test websites for speed, mobile-friendliness, security and the HTML5 doctype, using Blip powered by Vue.js

Find businesses around a location and test their websites en masse, or just test your own URL.

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Built For Vue: Mirror for Vue projects available on NPM

BuiltforVue is an MIT licensed open source project and completely free to use.

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Vuesax: A new library for Vue.js components

Vuesax is a component library based on Vue js 2.0

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Code Notes: Code Snippet Manager powered by Electron & Vue.js

A simple code snippet manager for developers built with Electron & Vue.js

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Vuegg: GUI Generator powered by Vue.js

Visual editor to scaffold projects by dragging-dropping components directly on the page and moving-resizing them to your choice.

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ColorsWall: A website to store and create color palettes with the power of Vue.js

A place to store your color palettes or create new ones to use & share with everyone

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Enso: SPA Built with Bulma, Vue.js and Laravel

SPA built with Bulma, Vue and Laravel loaded with lots of features like: json template generated datatables and forms, menu-role-permission management, comments / documents / contacts / addresses modules, and more.

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