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Use an animated chevron icon component for Vue.js

Animated chevron component customizable and easy to use

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Adapt a text input's size to its content using a custom Vue.js directive

Vue.js directive for adjusting a text input's width to fit its content.

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Upload pictures and Gifs with this mobile friendly Vue.js component

A mobile-friendly input Vue.js component with image preview, drag and drop features, EXIF orientation, and more.

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Create an image gallery with the Lightbox component for Vue.js

A native Vue.js lightbox and gallery component to display your photos

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Swipe cards or elements around with VueSwing

A Vue.js wrapper for Swing cards interface

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Handle your data with a pagination component

Pagination component able to handle multiple data and other customizations

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Add floating labels using a Vue component without jQuery

Simple floating labels as a Vue component without jQuery.

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Get sliders using the Vue Awesome Swiper component supporting SPA and SSR

Swiper component for Vue, support pc and mobile, SPA and SSR

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Full stack SPA with Vue.js and Flask

Vue.js full-stack single page application served over Flask microframework & a tutorial on how it was built

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Create an image gallery with the Lightbox component for Vue.js

A native Vue.js lightbox and gallery component to display your photos

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