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Vue Plugin Skeleton

This plugin is aiming to help you to setup a fresh project by providing a template to create vue plugins and shareable components.

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Mint UI: Mobile UI elements for Vue.js

Mint UI is a a big collection of CSS and JS components for building mobile applications, with animations and more for Vue.js

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Building web apps with Vue.js Part III

The third part of the tutorial, Building web apps with Vue.js, this time utilizing vue-router

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Loading Bar for Vue.js 2

Simple Youtube Like Loading Bar Component For Vue.js 2.

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Vue.js 2.1.0 is out!

A new version of Vue.js is out, 2.1.0 with a long list of updates

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Tuts: Creating Dynamic Components with Vue.js 2.0

The follow-up of a tutorial, now implementing the use of components to toggle various elements.

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New project template for vue-cli: Hapi Vue

The template for vue-cli for Vue.js 2 includes HapiJS (API), setup run on Gulp, BrowserSync, Nodemon, Webpack HMR, with independent hot reload and restart, ESLint, and Unit Testing

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Nuxt.js, a minimalistic framework for server side rendered Vue.js applications

The new framework Nuxt.js can help you in server-rendered applications for Vue.js, which is inspired by Next.js.

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Learn Vue.js 2.0 Fundamentals

Learn Vue.js Fundamentals with this 8 videos series, by DevMarketer

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How To Set Up Modules in Vuex

A walkthrough on how to set up Vuex Modules in a Laravel Spark project.

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Electron based app using Vue.js for Pocket

PocketVue is a desktop app for Mac which is made with Electron and Vue.js

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Create a new project using Koa and Vue.js

A guide on how to setup new projects with the new framework Koa2 and Vue.js.

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