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A team that rewrote their front-end in Vue.js is doing an AMA

A team decided to rewrite their trading platform's front-end, and they found as a replacement of Angular v.1 Vue.js. Read their short story and ask anything you like about its development.

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Vue.js: Retiring vue-resource

Evan You has announced that the Vue.js team is retiring vue-resource.

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Vue.js Meetup in San Diego

Learn more about San Diego's newest VueJS Meetup!

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Server Side Rendering in Vue 2.0

Read about the major new feature, Server Side Rendering, that has come with the official release of Vue 2.0.

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The migration helper for Vue.js 2.0 is now stable and officially released.

The CLI tool to aid you in migration from Vue 1.x to 2.0 is now stable with its official release to help you in migrating your apps and projects.

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Vue.js Jobs: The best place to hire Vue.js devs is collaborating with under the brand name VueJobs from now on.

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Modular JavaScript: A Pragmatic JS Book Series - Crowdfunding

New Book Series: Modular JavaScript has been launched for crowdfunding on Indiegogo, with high goals and perks.

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Between the Wires: Interview with Evan You

Read Evan You's interview on Between the Wires, about his early steps and how he got into Javascript and started building the framework we all now know as Vue.js.

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Halloween Ghost Train builder is using Vue.js

Ghost Train Builder is a project, that lets you build (and then ride) your own ghost train, using Vue.js

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GitLab chose Vue.js!

GitLab decided to use Vue.js.

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